If In Doubt, Sit Them Out
Anyone with suspected concussion must be immediately removed from football, rugby and other sports and rest for at least 24 hours, under new guidance for grassroots clubs.
Players should not return to competitive sport for at least 21 days.
The UK-wide guidelines are aimed at parents, coaches, referees and players.
Its authors say a "culture change" in the way head injuries are dealt with is needed.
"We know that exercise is good for both mental and physical health, so we don't want to put people off sport," Prof James Calder, the surgeon who led the work for the government, said "But we need to recognise that if you've got a head injury, it must be managed and you need to be protected, so that it doesn't get worse."
Listen to BBC's 5 minutes On Concussion from a Kickabout
In 2011, tragically Ben Robinson from Co Antrim died after sustaining a Second Impact Syndrome - Brain Injury. This link has Ben Robinson’s father Peter Robinson speaking - so well worth the 5 minutes listening.